Op 24 mei 2022 heeft het European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) een Rapid Risk Assessment on monkeypox (Apenpokkenvirus) gepubliceerd. Via deze link kunt u het volledige rapport downloaden.
De paragrafen gerelateerd aan humaan lichaamsmateriaal zijn:
– ‘Risico op transmissie via menselijke weefsels en cellen’, onderaan op pagina 7

– ‘Menselijke weefsels en cellen’, halverwege pagina 13

Risk of transmission through substances of human origin
No cases of monkeypox virus transmission through substances of human origin have ever been documented. However, there are reported cases of virus transmission from mother to child during pregnancy [71], and animal studies show the presence of virus in blood, tissues and organs of infected animals.[72,73] Existence of viremia (i.e. blood specimens positive for viral DNA) has been shown. The duration of viremia is unclear [74], and there are no data on viraemia in asymptomatic patients (including during the incubation period). Even though information is limited, it is likely that monkeypox virus is transmissible through substances of human origin, but the overall risk for recipients in the EU/EEA is low.

Substances of human origin
All potential donors should be carefully interviewed regarding contacts with infected (confirmed or suspected) MPX cases, infected animals or travels to affected areas. Medical history data on these risk factors should be collected in the case of deceased donors. Based on the incubation period of MPX, it is recommended to defer asymptomatic donors that have been in contact with (confirmed or suspected) cases from substances of human origin donation for a minimum of 21 days from the last day of exposure. Since the MPX prodromal stage varies in duration (1–4 days [22]) and symptoms can be non-specific and mild [88- 91] or absent [49], careful examination for any possible signs of infection should be performed even after the expiration of the deferral period (at least 21 days from the last day of exposure). Examination should not overlook mild and non-specific signs like headache or fatigue or anogenital skin lesions.